Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just another day

We are all sheap! Yes, you read right. We are sheap. Where one goes the hurd follows. This is most noticable in politics and civil living. The leader is usualy the one that sets the course, and the rest just go affter the bell. You'll see that is so amaizing, that people will go from the extreme left to the extreme right, with the help of propaganda. Things can go from black to white with monetary help faster than you can snap your fingers. It is sad, I guess, we have long lost our integrity.


Anonymous said...

oo, thx for leaving me a comment. yeah, i visited ur blog. THX anyway. XD nitez..

Salolo said...

Luminata thnx for passing my blog , i read ur topics & really i like it too much it's cool & deeply at same time , lets keep in touch , have a nice time & congratulation dear

Zéphyr said...

Bonjour Luminata,

Merci d'avoir visité mon blog et de m'inviter à aller voir le vôtre.

On a des difficultés à comprendre car la traduction automatique est mauvaise.

Je partage votre vision des choses. Nous pourrions mieux se comprendre si vous alliez visiter les deux blogers suivant avec lesquels j'entretiens d'excellentes relations épistolaires :

Ils ont la particularité de parler couramment le français et l'anglais (they speak flently English). Good bye.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog. Thanks for checking out mine. I also, have another one - - if you're interested in anything technology or video game related. Later

Luminata said...

Guys, thanks for the visit, I'll try and follow your advice!

Kristine In Paris said...

Hi! Thanks for your comment and for visiting my blog. I will read yours with interest.

~kristi said...

I guess I am not a sheep b/c I like to think I have integrity and do not go with the flow of what others tell me. I like to think I make decisions for myself and not based on other's opinions. I hope you can find integrity in the world. I hope you can find hope in the world. best to you

MUD said...

I tend to think of the non thinkers as sheeple. They would rather follow or go along than set the path to travel. Love yur format, keep the comments pithy. MUD

Raj Shrestha said...

Thanks friend!
leaving a comments. Yes I am too interested for friendship. Keep writing... and be in touch.

0(^_^)0 Always Happy said...


0(^_^)0 Always Happy said...

counting sheep