Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Moral Dilemma

The unlucky few that follow my blog :P probably had noticed that I was absent for a while from this here virtual and wonderful world of blogging. I have a good reason for that. It's not that I don't like blogging anymore or that I have grown tired (god forbid, I love it more and more every day! :D). It is in fact cause I wanted to help a friend in need. I know, the world is slowly becoming a place where there is less and less people that you can call friends, and therefor, you need to cherish the ones that you have made in your life.

My friend fell in love with a girl that is already in a relationship. It wouldn't be new for him, except this time, she fell in love with him as well. From the start it was clear that they wouldn't end up together, and it was fine, with both of them. Now, he says that he misses her more and more and it seems like the occasional meets that they have are not enough. He needs her more and more. And now, he doesn't know what to do, because he feels so helpless. I guess there is actualy no moral dilemma here, but I started with that tittle because it seemed apropriate when 2 people are sneaking around! :D

What I told him was that if they both decided to enjoy something, then they should do it while being free, like those eagles we saw back in September (click the photo to enlarge), because you can truly own the world only if you are prepared to lose it without any regrets... Should I have told him something else?


Anonymous said...

Thank you...

By the way we do not know each other.

Luminata said...

No, we don't. :)

SILVER said...

Hi. thanks for dropping by. It's good of you to leave me a comment so i can trail you back here.. which i am glad! Cos i like what you write here too.. so fresh, so care-free.. i like it here.

A follower!


Luminata said...

Thanks Silver! :)

Hugs for you! :)

Havanerus said...

Hy, thank you for your words soo much, but I think that it's better
Blog It's in catalan and spanish, I'm translating all the post slowly!!.
Your blog it's also interesting, and I like all that you write.
I will wait you in my blog ;p

Luminata said...

Hey Tony, thanks for stopping by! :)

Ujjawal Chauhan said...

I bet! There are not only less and less people who we can call friends, but there are all the more less people we can believe to be our friends. :)
Thanks for dropping by at my blog..
And may you keep helping your "disturbed by love" friends ;)

Luminata said...

Thanks for the visit. I'll try and help, but I don't know if they can be helped! ;)

Lara Jo said...

Friends, they are our life line at times for sure. As you are for your friend, that kind of friendship is few and far between it seems nowa days. I'm blessed to have many to cherish. =]

Внукот said...

It seems as your friend is in a mess! Wouldn't wanna be in his shoes! =))

Flopp said...

Thank you for stopping by on my blog. Its good to know u and i like what u write and the way u write!! Hope i can see more of ur writings! XD

Fabian Podesta said...

Lo que escribís tiene muchísima verdad, te felicito tu blog es autentico un beso grande.

Luminata said...

Lara, I'm so happy that you have friends. Keep 'em for as long as you can! :)

Vnukot, oh do shut up! =))

Flopp, glad you liked it! :)

Fabian, from what I can understand, thanks. :)

Anonymous said...

You've told yourself enough. I think it's nice to have friends who'd make you feel free. As long as your friend would be happy and won't have any regrets thereafter.Keep blogging.

La Fern said...

erm.. thx for veiwng my blog. And thx for the comment =)

Luminata said...

Hey guys, thanks for stopping by my blog.